The Perfect Hello
The film focuses on Wade Perkins, a fifty-five year old motivational speaker at the end of his rope. After learning of his younger brothers demise, he embarks on an alcoholic bender through middle America accompanied by a mysterious young woman named Sweetheart. Their short love affair is captured in a series of poetic and piercing scenes en route to Wade's brothers funeral.
Description: The film focuses on Wade Perkins, a fifty-five year old motivational speaker at the end of his rope. After learning of his younger brothers demise, he embarks on an alcoholic bender through middle America accompanied by a mysterious young woman named Sweetheart. Their short love affair is captured in a series of poetic and piercing scenes en route to Wade's brothers funeral.
Budget: $0 | Revenue : $0
Runtime: 45 minutes
Kingdom 2: Far and Away
Little Dixie
Unhappily Ever After
Detective Knight: Independence
Wolf Hound
The Wrath of Becky
The Secret Kingdom
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